Crushing Your First Corporate (Or Any) Job
Sonia Ashok Sonia Ashok

Crushing Your First Corporate (Or Any) Job

In my first job, I didn’t know how to advocate for myself and I was scared to ask any questions. I was floundering. It took me many more years to figure out how to do things the right way with a lack of sufficient mentorship. But you don’t have to figure this out alone. So how can you meet – and exceed – expectations from day one? Here are five tips for crushing your first (or any!) 9-5 corporate job.

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Quit on Your Best Day
Sonia Ashok Sonia Ashok

Quit on Your Best Day

Sure, there are cases where you’re leaving your job because another opportunity came along. If you’re in a space of desperation and ready to quit, you’re probably at a super low point and not really thinking about being strategic about your departure. But leaving your current job when you’re at your worst leads you to start your next step in that same disempowered mindset. No bueno! So before walking out the door (ok, more like an Olympic-level sprint to the exit), follow these five steps for quitting on your BEST day.

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Leveling Up Your Career Through Mentorship
Sonia Ashok Sonia Ashok

Leveling Up Your Career Through Mentorship

A great mentor can see your potential and offer guidance with your goals and aspirations across your career. So, how can you find a mentor that can lift you up in your career?

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