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Hey there, it’s Sonia,

your Career Doctor

You deserve better than what our patriarchal corporate systems have given you so far in your career. Together, we’re going to shatter some glass ceilings. Ready to rise up the ranks, make a real impact, and earn that money?? Let’s go!

From medicine to career mentorship

I’m your (mostly) fearless leader and expert on all things crushing it at work. But, that wasn’t always the case.

I started out with the dream of becoming a doctor. And I realized as I was going through that it just wasn’t for me. I wasn’t connected to it, and I burned out really quickly. I had no idea what to do next.

Making a career pivot turned out to be harder than expected, but I did it — from medicine to policy to tech to consulting — and who knows what else. I realized that I wasn’t the only person who didn’t have their *entire* life figured out! And it’s completely ok if you want to take that next scary career step but don’t know how.

The path forward was filled with small steps, constantly aligning with my interests and passion. I was connecting the dots of my career journey and finally felt excited about my work.

However, I also experienced the dark side of the workplace - gaslighting, toxicity, and bullying. I’m willing to bet that if you’re reading this, you’re no stranger to microaggressions, bias, and discrimination. And odds are, this workplace abuse is holding you back in achieving your career goals.

I shared my struggles and found many more people who were dealing with the same BS in their careers - unhappy, overworked, and underpaid with no idea how to make it better. I realized that the workplace problem was way bigger than me.

I set out to find answers. I talked to everyone I knew about their struggles at work. I used my background in psychology and neuroscience to understand how we connect and relate. And, I took courses in the science of happiness at work, public speaking, and organization, and also got certified in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and inclusive leadership.

Now, I’m sharing everything I learned with you so that YOU can be the badass leader that you’ve always admired.


You Are NOT Alone

The Mission

After my experiences at work, I became passionate about smashing the patriarchy and creating a movement that lifted up women in the workplace. We will all benefit from organizations and leadership that represent women and minorities. It’s time to change the paradigm. You can be the leader we all need.

I can help heal your career.

Feeling inspired to level up?